I forgot!

Had a guide quest interrupt my Aakayshia playing so I didn’t write down her last name, her class, and I didn’t get any pictures.  I’ll get that information tomorrow and post it before RL steals me away for the evening!  Got her two levels anyway and now she has less than 10 quests in her journal, which I find very strange!  All my other girls have like 50 😛

I took Etug to the guide and he went ‘oh my goodness’ and then started shouting up so that I could hear him from all the way up on her mount.  I have a feeling he got some screenies which is absolutely fantastic, totally pleased with the encounter!  Was a simple quest, just a little catalog of various clockworks for Tinkerfest, and gives kind of a cool house item.  Nan got the quest too so I’ll have a pair of them for Lak’s new place next month.

I’m off!  Will post something quick tomorrow and be back on normal like on Wednesday!  Happy Dancing everybody!

Oh… btw… the kobolds in all the different zones are still saying “Garbled Serilian text (also used for bugbears)” in the chat bubbles above their head, which cracks me up and is distracting at the same time.  /bug

About Nandiara

As the guild leader for the Rain Dancers on the Unrest server of Everquest 2, I thought it might be fun to have a place to ramble about the happenings.
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